Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've been tagged!

You got me Brooke... I'm it!

It's my turn to share ten little-known, quirky, or random things about myself. I hope you get to know me a little bit better.

Here goes....

1) I LOVE candy, especially fruity candy like Jolly Joes, Skittles, Mike & Ikes and gummy bears. I can down a HUGE bulk bag of candy in a day or two. I literally eat candy by the handful. My sweet husband always brings me a treat when he goes to the grocery store or the quick stop.

2) I don't believe in luck, but if I had to pick a lucky number it would be 23. I had Jackson on March 23 at 11:23 PM. I had Haley on January 23 at 2:23 pm.

3) My due date was July 3 and I was born July 24. My poor mother! I went three days over-due with Jackson and it was driving me crazy. I may have arrived into the world late, but I hate being late now!

4.) When I was younger I had a lazy eye. In order to have both eyes looking straight, I had to have my head tilted to the side. So in all my pictures growing up, my head is tilted. I had surgery to correct my eye when I was a freshman in high school. Following the surgery, I had stitches across my eyeball - which itched really bad! - and had to wear a patch for a short time.

5.) We have the Olympic game for our Wii, and I hold the record for the javelin throw. Despite many attempts by Dave and his brothers to beat me, nobody can! I think it drives them crazy!

6.) I love roller coasters... the bigger the hill, the better! It's funny, because I'm a scaredy-cat when it comes to a lot of other things. I must admit, my heart started pounding pretty fast and my hands got a bit sweaty when we got stopped on the very top of the hill on Millenium Force at Cedar Point!

7.) When I was in 8th grade, I did 8 pull-ups in gym class. At the time, it was some kind of record. Now I would be lucky if I could do one!

8.) I really wish I had a better voice, because I love to sing! I've been known to belt out a tune in the shower, the car, or while working around the house. Jackson and I sing a pretty incredible duet to the song "Bullfrogs and Butterflies!"

9.) I have had two extremely easy pregnancies, but two very difficult deliveries. When I had Jackson, I went through 28 hours of labor, four hours of pushing, and an emergency C-section before delivering my healthy, 8 pound, 11 ounce baby boy. Haley's delivery was a scheduled C-section, which I thought was going to be a breeze. Boy was I wrong! My spinal didn't work right, and I ended up feeling everything. OUCH! Don't worry ladies, the chances of this happening are "one in a million" according to my doctor.

10.) I really don't enjoy watching movies. The last movie I saw in the theater was Hitch, when I was nine-months pregnant with Jackson. Dave rents movies quite often, and I either stay upstairs or fall asleep on the couch.

Wow, that was easy! I'll even conclude with a few extra tidbits... consider it a bonus! I can't whistle or curl my tongue, I write right-handed but bat and golf left-handed, and I only have half of my thyroid.

If you are reading this and you have a blog... tag, you're it!

1 comment:

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Yea! Thanks Katie! I love reading these little tidbits! Just when you think you know someone...;)
I'm still astounded at the whole C-section thing for Haley. I can't even wrap my mind around that!!