Sunday, April 26, 2009

A shout out to my man!

Looking back on old posts, I realized that this blog has two pretty dominant themes... Jackson and Haley. There's a little "mommy" thrown in, but not a whole lot of "daddy." That's about to change.

Honey, this one's for you!

Dave and I have come a long way together in our six and a half years of marriage. We've built a house together, gone on trips together, had kids together. When we got married, Dave was a full time student and working part time at a factory, and I was writing for two magazines and working nights at the hospital. We lived in an apartment, and ate a lot of macaroni and cheese. We took walks to get ice cream, played tennis together, and slept in on the weekends. 

A lot has changed since the early days, but one thing has not... Dave is still my best friend, my partner, my soft place to fall. I love him more now than the day we got married, because he's been there through it all... births and deaths, new jobs and new cars, the good days and bad. We are a team, and no matter what happens in life, we will face it together.

These days, Dave is the Controller at Monroe, a company that makes car pointers. He manages the Accounting and Purchasing departments. He has worked so hard to get where he is in his career, and I'm so proud of him and all his accomplishments. He provides so well for our family, but his work has never come before me and the kids.

Dave is an awesome dad! No one can make our kids laugh as much as he can. When he gets home from work, a spiky-haired four-year-old and a pig-tail wearing one-year-old tackle him with bear hugs. He is loving, patient, and fun, and Jackson and Haley are blessed to call him dad.

During these days when the kids are little, it's hard to imagine that the day will come when it's just me and Dave again... but, Lord willing, it will. I look forward to sitting on the porch waiting for the grand kids to arrive, remembering the days when Jackson learned to ride a bike, and Haley learned that the cow says moo and the cat says meow. But until then, I'm going to enjoy the journey, grateful for Dave and the love, support, and encouragement he brings to my life.


Steve and Allison Alles said...

I got tears in my eyes reading this!

Michelle Y said...

What a sweet post Katie!

gratefuljourney59 said...

You are such an incredible writer Katie, God has given you amazing gifts and what a better way to use them then to write about your husband! You are an awesome wife.