Monday, May 11, 2009



It's grueling, it's gratifying. 

It's frustrating, it's fun. 

It's exhausting, it's exciting.

It makes you laugh, it makes you cry.

It's the hardest job in the world. It's the best job in the world.

Motherhood turns a cluster of weeds into a beautiful bouquet.

Motherhood turns a one-year-old into one of your best friends.

Motherhood turns a kid's choir into one of your favorite singing groups of all times.

Motherhood turns a preschool craft into a work of art.

Jackson and Haley, you didn't get "Supermom," but you got a mom who loves you with her whole heart. Thanks for bringing me into this adventure called Motherhood. I wouldn't trade it for the world!


Unknown said...

This is so sweet, Katie!
-Laura Luchies

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Beautifully said! Love it! You are a fantastic mother and I love learning from you!!

Steve and Allison Alles said...

Very thoughtful and I'm sure your kids think you are a supermom!