Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The big 3-0!

On Friday, I'll turn 30. I feel a little old, a little excited, a little sad... but mostly I feel blessed! God has been faithful to me these last 30 years. These years have given me a fun childhood, a great education, a fulfilling career, awesome friendships, a wonderful marriage, two amazing kids.... the list goes on and on. A million good things have been packed into these 30 years, and for that I am grateful! Sure, there have been some rough patches over the years, but God, my family, and friends have been there for me through it all.

I'm older... but I think I'm wiser too. I've learned to care less what other people think, and care more about what God thinks. I've learned that good days and bad days are determined more by my attitude than circumstances. I've learned that relationships are more precious than things, most things don't seem as bad after a good night's sleep, and being beautiful on the inside has more value than physical beauty.

May my next 30 years be filled with less worry and more peace, less discontent and more thanksgiving. I want to live my life so that when my days on earth are over, people remember me as a kind, loving, and generous person.

Thank you God for 30 years... and please keep the gray hair and wrinkles away for thirty more! =) (OK, so 30 years haven't totally rid me of vainness!)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sis!!!!! You are such a Beautiful women of God.


Steve and Allison Alles said...

Words from a WISE 30 year old! See you this weekend!

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday to you! You are such a special part of our family... you are loved VERY MUCH! Thanks for blessing my life in so many ways!

I love you! Sara