Saturday, August 8, 2009

5 things you may or may not know about Haley....

1.) Haley loves to eat healthy. She eats almost any fruit and almost any veggie... but she absolutely refuses to eat candy. It is the weirdest thing! I could add one skittle or M&M to a full plate of food, and she would eat everything else, and then hand the candy to me. As someone who LOVES candy, this is hard for me to fathom!

2.) Haley LOVES flags. I mean she seriously loves them. When she is in her car seat, she is constantly on the lookout for flags. And when she spots one (and let me tell you, she rarely misses one), she screams "FLAG!" She loves to go on walks with my mom in search of her favorite "treasures."

3.) If you look up "Mama's Girl" in the dictionary (I know, I know... that wouldn't be in the dictionary, but you know what I mean) there should be a picture of our little beauty. She loves her mama! Don't get me wrong, she loves her daddy (and tons of others) too, but no one beats mommy. We are together all the time. She's like my little shadow. I love it.... except when I have to clean the toilets, leave her in nursery, or just need a little breather.

4.) Haley has a ton of nicknames - Halers, Pretty Princess, Sweet Girl, McFussy (yes, she has been known to get fussy on occasion) - but the one we use most often is Chiquita, as in the banana. The weird thing is, I have no idea when, how, or why she acquired that name.

5.) Can I brag just for a minute? I know that no one likes a mom who constantly brags about her kids, but can you indulge me if I promise to lay off the "brag posts" for a little while? Haley is quite bright, at least in my admittedly biased opinion. She sings her ABCs, knows her shapes, can count forwards and backwards from 1 to 10, and if you write a letter, she will tell you which one it is. The funny thing is, you probably won't witness these things any time soon, unless Haley doesn't know you are watching. She is not a performer, and so far doesn't like to be the center of attention (very unlike her older brother). Dave got me a new video camera for my birthday, so maybe I can get some footage of her showing her stuff soon and add it to the blog. Or maybe I better wait... that might be considered a brag post. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are our little sunshine!

We love you bunches, U. Chris and A. Sara