Thursday, August 20, 2009


This morning my memories took me back to our early days with our beautiful Haley Brooke. She was a sweet, easy-going baby who rarely cried, except....


...when we put her in her car seat. She hated being in the car. For her first 2 months of life she screamed (and I mean SCREAMED) every time we had to take her somewhere. It was terrible. It was stressful. It brought me to tears.

And now I hardly remember those days.

Isn't that how it goes sometimes? When we are going through something difficult, it seems so horrible, so consuming. We plead with God to make it stop. Then one day, He answers our prayers. Then we move on with life, onto a new challenge, sometimes forgetting to thank the Almighty for removing our "thorn."

If you are going through a valley, don't lose heart. These days won't last forever. Someday the tantrums will stop. Someday there will be money in the savings account. Someday healing will come in one form or another. And when that day comes, don't forget to be grateful!

Today I am thankful for peaceful car rides. Our Toyota Sienna houses lots of chatter, laughter, and singing... but very few "bloody murder" screams.

Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

Can you believe that this precious baby could cause so much trouble?

1 comment:

lindajz said...

I just love your blog :) It fills me with such warmth and memories of four of the most precious people God has given to me. Bless you Katie for your gifts of sharing and writing! Love you:) Mom