Saturday, August 15, 2009

Girls just want to have fun... and shop!

I just got back from a girl's shopping trip to the outlet stores in Birch Run. What fun we had - me, my mom, Sara, Julie, my Aunt Shirley and my cousin Tami. I'm not sure what we did more of - laughing or shopping! We are hoping that this is the first of many annual overnight shopping sprees. Maybe next year I will finally feel the joy of victory while playing Phase 10!

Dave asked me how much I spent, and when I told him he said "that's it?" See why I love him so much? My goal was to find some good deals. Mission accomplished!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The picture is so cute! None of you will believe this, but when I showed John everything, he said, "That's all you bought?" I was shocked! I told him there was much more I would have loved to buy, but I was already over my "budget". And he goes, "It wouldn't have killed us." Grrrr!! I'll be dreaming of those Bass boots, haha. :) So much fun!