Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's what I've been waiting for....

Jackson and Haley play together! They have always loved each other, but it wasn't until recently that they really started playing together... and it totally warms my heart. Jackson draws shapes on the Magna Doodle and Haley says what they are, they watch "Super Why" together, Jackson pulls Haley in the wagon, they chase each other around the house, they sing songs together, and Jackson puts on little "shows" for Haley that get her laughing so hard she can barely catch her breath. I love it! I pray that they are always the best of friends.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that they now fight with each other. They knock over each other's towers, take each other's toys, and have minor (and occasionally major) meltdowns because of something the other one did.

Oh well.... sibling rivalry is one of those "facts of life" every parent with more than one child gets to deal with.

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