Monday, September 7, 2009

The dream God dreams for you...

Last night I had such a great time at the American Idol concert. During all the singing, dancing, and fun, I just kept thinking that God sure does cool things in peoples' lives. He dreams big for his children. One day they are a bank teller, a waitress, or a student, and the next thing they know, they are singing in front of thousands of screaming fans. Crazy!

Makes me wonder what God might have planned for me.

Or you.

Or our children.

Maybe someday Jackson will be president of the United States. That would be cool... and stressful. I think that would make me the First Mama. Or maybe he will end up being a roofer. That's what he says he wants to be when he grows up after he saw a man fixing our neighbor's roof. Do you know what that would make me? One proud Mama!

You see, I'm not too worried what God's plans are for me or those I love. Why? Because all of God's plans are good.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

A line from a song comes to mind - Do with me what you choose, so I can be a vessel you pour through.

I doubt I'll ever grace a stage in front of thousands, but that's OK. We can't all be famous singers, or we would all be pretty sick of going to concerts.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

You are so right! God has great plans for us. I was just studying some verses on Jesus being our Shepherd. What a comforting thought! He is leading us, taking care of us, protecting us...otherwise we would be wandering around aimlessly. He will even track down those that wander away. Very comforting!