Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We are done with all the textbook milestones... rolling over, sitting up, walking, etc., but the mommy milestones are far from over. All you moms know what I'm talking about... every time a big change happens in your little one's life - no matter how old they are - it is cause for celebration, and maybe fear.

Jackson hit some pretty big milestones this week - he started 4-year-old preschool, and he started soccer.

Yesterday was Jackson's first day of preschool, and it was a special day when all the moms got to come along. It was fun to see how Jackson acts and interacts in a classroom setting.... that's something I really haven't experienced before.

I wasn't too surprised that Jackson was very social, and tried to answer every question the teacher asked before anyone else did. I was a bit surprised when he shared with the class during circle time that every once in awhile our cats "gak" (yep, that's the word he used) on the carpet, especially after they chew the curly string attached to a balloon. He then proceeded to tell everyone that if you look really closely at our carpet, you might find really light orange spots where the cats gakked (there's that word again). Yep, that's my boy! Those preschool teachers have got to be really good at keeping a straight face when those little ones share those oh so silly (and embarrassing) stories!

Then last night was Jackson's first soccer practice and game. It was SO FUN! I got such a kick out of watching all those four-year-olds swarm after the ball. Jackson scored three goals, and was on Cloud 9. He was a really good sport, which made me proud because my Jackson has quite the competitive nature. Haley was a great cheerleader. She kept yelling "Go Jackson!" I can't wait until next week's game.
Whether I like it or not, my little guy is not so little anymore. He's moving on to new and better things. The good thing is, his excitement is totally contagious, and I can't help but celebrate with him.

I love you #7!

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