Sunday, October 11, 2009

Big News!

Dave and I have some exciting news to share!

God has answered are prayers.

Our family is growing.

That's right.

You guessed it!

We are welcoming a baby into our family in March.

We are going to have a niece or nephew!

Ok, so that was a bit sneaky on my part. Sorry about that.

Sara and Chris are expecting a baby, due March 30. We are so excited! I'm 30 years old and not yet an aunt. We already love this little one, and can't wait to welcome them into the family. It is about time my kids get a little cousin!

Sara is feeling really good. She looks so cute with her tiny little baby belly. Sara's ultrasound is scheduled for November 10, and we are excited to find out if Baby Mouw (A.K.A. Peanut) is a boy or girl.

Speaking of babies... that seems to be the question on everyone's mind. Everyone seems to be wondering if Dave and I are planning on having any more kids. The only answer I can give is that we are not totally sure. Right now we both feel totally content with our family of four. If God plans for us to have only two kids, we feel totally blessed. If He sends another one our way, we feel totally blessed. For now, we are having fun as the "Million Dollar Family" - mom, dad, big brother, and little sister. If something changes, I'll make sure to let you know! =)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kate! =) You are going to be a wonderful Auntie! Love you tons! Sara

Kate said...

Katie, that was sneaky! My jaw just dropped when I looked at the date on the post and couldn't believe that I didn't hear "your" news since you posted it a week ago! Congratulations Sarah!