Friday, October 30, 2009

Our little health nut

I know I've said this before, but Haley refuses to eat candy, and loves to eat most other foods. I know I should be grateful - and I am - but it's just so weird to me. She's never tried an M&M, a Skittle, or a Smartie... no candy at all, and we aren't the kind of family that doesn't keep any sugar in the house. Here's proof of what I'm talking about...

When we potty-train Haley, we'll probably have to bribe her with grapes.

So you might think that there is no need to take Haley trick-or-treating tomorrow night, but rest-assured, she will be out there filling her pumpkin with goodies along with her brother. Don't worry, there's one Zuidema gal that will make sure that the treats don't go to waste (wink, wink!).

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