Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever get to listen to my music in the car.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever leave Target without walking down a toy aisle (or two, or three).

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll get through a week (or even a day) without something spilling on the floor.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever be able to get ready without interruptions. Brush my teeth without interruptions. Take a shower without interruptions. Talk on the phone without interruptions.

Sometimes I wonder if my house will ever stay picked up for longer than an hour.

I remember the things I used to wonder about.

I used to wonder if I would ever sleep through the night again.

I used to wonder if I would ever leave the house without spit-up on my clothes or in my hair.

I used to wonder if I would ever get to go somewhere without physically carrying a little one.

Guess what? Now I do all of those things.

There’s one thing I wonder about all the time. I wonder why God, in His great mercy, allowed me to be the mom of a certain enthusiastic, spirited, loving Little Man and a bright, precious, cuddle-loving Sweet Girl.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve thanked God enough for my children.

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