Thursday, December 3, 2009


Haley is sweet, lovable, precious... and a little bit quirky. She can be very particular about certain things. Here's one example. Haley has an alphabet puzzle; each letter is a different piece. She does this puzzle all the time, but she ALWAYS leaves out the G and the U. It never fails. Sometimes I sneak those letters back on the board, but as soon as Haley sees it, she very quickly removes those pieces. Weird, huh?

Now she has a new obsession. For the past two days, she has been carrying around a deck of cards everywhere she goes in the house. She takes them to the table, to the potty, to the bedroom (but not to the crib, much to her dismay). And she hasn't been happy when I've told her that she has to leave the cards at home when we leave the house. Sometimes she will get distracted and leave the cards somewhere, but it's never long before she goes on the hunt looking for them.

It's not easy for little hands to hold on to all those cards.

I hope this "quirk" is short lived.

I think Haley comes by her quirky nature honestly. After all, her mom cringes at the thought of touching a cotton ball. I know it's weird, but there is just something awful about the texture of those little things. I get chills just thinking about it.

I think me calling Haley quirky is like the pot calling the kettle black! I guess we all have a few of those "things that make you go Hmmm."

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