Thursday, December 31, 2009


The other day I sent Jackson to get dressed and he came back with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his face looking like this - with his pants on his head, and his shirt on his legs.

I had a flash of irritation since we were running late, but then I found this so amusing. I started laughing and couldn't stop. Jackson and I cracked up for a few minutes and then I took his picture. Man it felt good to laugh like that!

Later that day, Jackson thanked me for laughing with him. "Thanks for not being mad about that mommy," he said. "Don't worry, I won't do that every day." (Well, that's a relief.)

And this story led me to a New Year's resolution... don't sweat the small stuff. This year, I am going to choose to laugh more, and worry less.

If my house is a mess when people stop by, oh well. People don't love me because I have a neat house anyway.

If Jackson chooses to wear clothes that don't really match, who cares?

If I get stuck in a traffic jam, it gives me more time to sing in the car. (This one is going to be easier said than done.)

It's time to look on the bright side, enjoy every day, and look forward to blessing-filled 2010! Happy New Year!

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