Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I started my job this week, and so far, so good! The people there are so sweet, and I really enjoy the work. I even have an office this time around. I share it with the Webmaster, and it overlooks a forest that has been known to house a lot of wildlife. Pretty cool.

But boy do I miss my kids while I'm gone. I worked all day yesterday and all day today. On the way home tonight I wanted to hug my kids so bad it brought tears to my eyes. I usually look forward to the kid's bedtime (terrible, I know), but not tonight. Tonight I was glad when our final game of PIG (played with our indoor basketball hoop) went extra long. And usually Dave tucks in Jackson, but not tonight. I wasn't going to give up that blessing tonight.

One thing is for sure, I miss my kids way more than they miss me. In fact, tonight when I walked in the door, Jackson was almost crying because he was worried that he wasn't going to get to finish his game with my mom. Not the welcome I was hoping for, but I'm so glad that the kids are having a blast enjoying all their extra time with grandma.

This job is going to bring many blessings into our life, but one of the greatest is that it is teaching me to cherish my kids even more than I have been. I'm sure glad I don't have to work tomorrow! We get to go to play group in the morning... yeah! Hmmm... what fun thing can I cook up for the afternoon?

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