Saturday, January 22, 2011


Guess who is turning three tomorrow?

You guessed it!




Happy Birthday to our precious Haley Brooke! We can't imagine our life without you. You have brought so much joy and happiness to our family, and you are the sweetest little girl we know. You are kind, thoughtful, loving and bright... all wrapped up in one adorable little package. We love you more than words can say, and can't wait to see all that God has planned for you. Shine on sweet girl!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the sweetest Grand-daughter ever! God blessed us in so many ways when He made you... I say a prayer of thanksgiving for you every day...We will celebrate your birthday soon...we're spreading it out so you get to enjoy it more :)
Blessings and love, Grandma Z

Andy and Michele said...

Cute post! Keep up the good parenting Katie! Have fun being 3 Haley!