Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Yes, we are alive!

It's been so long since I've blogged, I'm almost embarrassed to post! I guess I'll just dive right in with a slew of updates to get me back on track.

Back in March, we celebrated Jackson's 7th birthday. We had a fun (and chaotic) party at a local gymnastics place with all the boys in Jackson's grade. (On a side note, there are 10 boys in Jackson's grade and around 30 girls. When 8th grade rolls around, that is a pretty scary thought!) We had a blast!

Our first born is confident, bold, funny and a monstrous blessing! He will start 2nd grade in the fall (how can that be?). He loves to read, is brilliant at math and is less than pleased that I am making him write in a journal several times a week this summer. He is learning to ride his new rip stick, hasn't lost his passion for the Wii and loves all things sweet. He is so excited that his daddy and grandpa will be coaching his soccer team in the fall. He is getting more mature right before my eyes, but my little guy is still in there too... just this week he marched up to me and said "mommy, feel my muscles." He puffed up his chest and had no idea that what I was feeling were his ribs.

At the end of April, Dave and I took an amazing trip to Riviera Maya with three other couples! We were celebrating (early) our ten year anniversary. It was incredible... great company, delicious food, a gorgeous setting and pure relaxation. What could be better? We enjoyed a fun excursion which involved zip-lining, exploring and canoeing in caves, and riding ATVs. We brought back loads of great memories which involve Jenga, a naughty monkey, Superman and a fire-dancer. (Sorry, this post is too long to go into more details!)

Our Haley girl recently "graduated" from her three-year-old preschool. Of course our little "rule-follower" thrived at school! Haley just learned how to ride a two-wheel bike. She is our cautious one and will hit the brakes if there is any sort of obstacle in her path.... even if it is still 100 feet away. Haley's hobbies include swinging, playing in the sand box, watching "Peppa Pig" and playing Guess Who. Unfortunately, one of her other hobbies is tattling on her brother or anyone else that dare wander from her straight path of what's right and fair. Still, she is the sweetest girl I know and every night before bed we hug each other, kiss each other and rub each other's back. She is a mama's girl through and through and I'm so glad she's ours!

I'd say that is enough for now. I promise I won't wait six months to write again!

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