Saturday, January 30, 2010

A promise kept....

Jackson got a frog Webkinz for Christmas. Do you know what I'm talking about? Basically, you play computer games to earn "money" to feed, house, and buy things for your little online friend. Jackson has really taken to this whole Webkinz world!

Anyway, Jackson has been wanting to save up enough money to buy Jacksonfroggy (the name of his red-footed tree frog) a backyard. A back yard costs $1,000... yikes. This week I told him that someday he and I would sit down and play the online games until we had enough money to make the beloved purchase. Well, my little guy wanted to cash in on that promise today.

No problem, right? I thought we would play the Webkinz version of Tetris and a few other games for an hour and we would have the cash. I thought wrong!

Let's just say it's a good thing we didn't have a whole lot going on today. Through the course of the afternoon we played A LOT of online games, and I mastered this berry-throwing game in the process. Plus I was in awe of my smart little four-year-old. He is a little whiz kid (in my own biased opinion of course)! We played, and we played, and we played some more. Every time that I hinted to Jackson that maybe we should stop and play again tomorrow, he reminded me that I promised that we would play until we could buy a back yard. He kept saying things like "don't give up" and "keep trying Mom." How could I say no to that, even though my back was sore and my right hand was numb?

There is a happy ending to this story. We ended up with $1,017 and Jacksonfroggy is currently hopping around in his new backyard in the land of cyberspace. There's also a moral to this story... be careful what you promise your kids. They won't let you renege. Oh, and one more thing. It takes a very long time to earn $1,000 in the Webkinz World. Boy do I wish someone would have told me that!

Oh, wait. This really is the last thing.... thanks Dave for keeping Haley entertained while Jackson and I spent all afternoon in front of the computer!


Anonymous said...


You are such a great mom! =)
Love you, Sara

Anonymous said...

Jackson has a very nice Mommy :) I wouldn't have a clue as to how long it would take to get 1000.00 or how to do it. And it is probably good that I wasn't trying to help because Grandmas gaming skills would be severely Grandma Z