Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Happy Birthday to my fabulous, first-born five-year old! Your birthday isn’t for another two days, but Tuesday is going to be a very busy day for us, so I thought I would write your birthday message tonight. Your very first cousin is likely doing to be born on your fifth birthday, and you couldn’t be happier! I can’t wait either Buddy!

Five years ago I was given an incredible gift - my 8 pound, 11 ounce beautiful baby boy. That night, you and I were getting to know each other in the hospital, and I remember looking down at you, and being so overwhelmed with the love I felt for you. I still feel that way. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I have the honor and pleasure of being your mom.

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Jackson! You really are a remarkable little guy... funny, caring, bright, brave, enthusiastic. You are everything I hoped you’d be... with a few extra “ingredients” that I may not have ordered, but they make you who you are and help to keep things interesting. =) We have so much fun together... playing games, going on bike rides, reading books, watching game shows, running races around the house, playing soccer. You are not only my son, but also my little buddy.

God has big plans for you Jackson. Always remember that your gifts and talents are from God, so make sure to use them for His glory. Your name means “gracious one,” and my hope for you is that you can live out that calling. There are so many “words of wisdom” that I want to instill in you. But, for now, I’ll summarize them all in one sentence - God’s way is the best way. Always remember that Buddy.

You are such a wonderful, sweet son. Several times every day you tell me my favorite words - “I love you, Mom.” Just today, out of nowhere, you said “Mom, I really like your face.” I love when you do and say things like that! You still climb up into my lap most mornings for cuddle time (occasionally Grandma P. fills in as an awesome substitute). We still hold hands when we walk into preschool, and you always give me a bear hug before I leave. I still read you a bedtime story at night, and tuck you in bed, and turn your night light on. I know these days won’t last forever, and someday you'll drive yourself places and go to bed later than I do, but for now, I will cherish every second I have with you, and pray that we will always be close.

I can’t wait to watch you graduate, and fall in love, and become a father. But one thing I have learned in the past five years is that time really does fly. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time, and keep you exactly the way you are today. But since I can’t, I will choose to enjoy every day and every stage... knowing that both the good times and the bad times won’t last forever.

I love you Jackson David, and I always will - no matter what. I don’t know what your future holds, but I know who holds your future. God gave you to me and daddy, and we have given you back to Him. Dream big, keep your zest for life, and continue to bring smiles to everyone around you. Oh, and have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Only God could love you more,

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Alles said...

That was beautiful to read! Have a great time celebrating with your little buddy!