Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The tradition lives on...

Every year, Dave and I try to spend a weekend at Cedar point. It's kind of "our thing." Riding coasters is something that we both love to do, and Cedar Point somehow makes us feel 18 again!

We went this past weekend with our friends, Todd and Michelle. We had a blast! And though I swore I would never ride the Top Thrill Dragster again, of course, I did. Both Michelle and I conquered our fear and took the plunge... the 420 foot plunge at 120 miles per hour. What a thrill! We made a whole bunch of great memories and came home with stories that we will laugh about in years to come!

1 comment:

Michelle Y said...

We had such a great time with you and Dave! The Dragster was great, so glad we conquered our fear together. I hope there will be many more years of Cedar Point trips.