Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Our family sponsors a child from Uganda.

I still remember standing in the back of Sunshine Church, looking at all the photos of needy children, deciding which little one I wanted to choose. Honestly, my plan was to select a girl, a cute, little girl. But then I spotted this photo. And I fell in love.

There was something about that sweet, smiling face that called to me. We signed up to be Matia's sponsors, and have sent funds, letters, and an occasional package ever since. Matia loves soccer, struggles in school, has two younger sisters, lost his mother to AIDS, and loves God. His favorite color is yellow. He sends us beautiful letters a few times each year (once he even called me Mom), and he always signs them "May God bless you. Love, Matia."

Almost 8 years have come and gone, and this is what Matia looks like today.

Gone is the smiling little boy... Matia is practically a full-grown man. In two short years, Matia will be too old to be a sponsored child. That will be hard on me. We pray for Matia often, and Jackson frequently asks question about him and his life in Uganda. I would love to take the family and go meet him someday. I never want to lose touch with Matia, because I can't wait to find out what God has planned for his life!

Would you send up a prayer for Matia Sekiranda? I've never seen him or hugged him, but I really do love him. He lives on the other side of the world, but he's also found a very special place inside my heart.

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