Saturday, October 23, 2010

A letter to John/Jane Doe

To the person who smashed my son's pumpkin last night,

I really wish you could have seen Jackson's face when he found out you smashed his pumpkin on our driveway. He was crushed! He couldn't understand why anyone would do that on purpose, and frankly, neither could I. My hope is that if you had known how sad he would be, you wouldn't have done it.

In our family, we always try to look on the bright side. The good news is we had a great time carving the pumpkin with friends, and you can't take that away. Also, someday, years from now, when Jackson's friend asks him if he wants to go out and smash pumpkins, I hope he remembers how he felt today and makes a better choice. For the lesson he learned, I thank you.

No more pumpkin-smashing, OK?


Mrs. Zuidema


Anonymous said...

I hope he gets to carve another pumpkin. I am so sorry to hear that. That happens a lot in our neighborhood too.

Andy and Michele said...

I use to love smashing pumpkins! But, now that I have kids, I feel his pain.