Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh Boy!

This summer, I went down the slide into a pool, on my stomach no less. I haven't done that since I was a kid.

Recently, I held a frog for the first time ever... gross!

Lately, I've gotten pretty good at wrestling, playing dinosaurs, and jumping over mud puddles.

Why? Why would this girlie girl, who grew up in a family with sisters only, be found doing such unladylike things?

Because I have a son of course!

Jackson is all boy.... boisterous, loud, silly, rambunctious, impulsive, energetic. He is so much what I'm not. He challenges me, pushes me out of my comfort zone. But that is exactly where I want to be.


Because I don't want to be a mom who watches from the sidelines, giving advice and hearing about things after the fact. I don't want to miss out on his world, because I'm sitting comfortably in mine.

Thriving in a boy's world doesn't come easy for me, but the reward is so worth the effort. I dig deep and get dirty. I watch soccer games in the freezing rain. I put creepy-crawly bugs in tupperware containers. I swing until I feel nauseous . Someday Jackson will probably have me jumping out of an airplane or crawling through a cave.

God saw fit to give me a son, and I am so grateful.

A couple of weeks ago, Jackson told me "I'm glad I have a cool mom." Yep, those words are worth the warts I'll probably get from holding that awful frog!

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