Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pancakes and Prayer Requests

A couple of weeks ago, Jackson had a buddy from school over and they were talking about what they wanted for Christmas. His friend was convinced he was going to get a Nintendo DS.

"I told my mom I wanted it, and I know she is going to get it for me, " he said.

Jackson's comeback? "Well guess what my mom does? She makes colored pancakes!"

So there!

It's true... Jackson loves pancakes and he has them several mornings a week for breakfast. And just to make them a little more fun, we add some food coloring to the mix. Not a big deal to me, but clearly a big deal to Jackson. Yep, sometimes the little things in life have the biggest impact... especially with kids!

(And just in case you think I wake up early every morning to prepare my kids a hot breakfast, think again! I make a batch of pancakes - from a box - once a week and stick them in the fridge. Daily breakfast consist of tossing them in the microwave. I'm too tired, busy and lazy to turn the stove on before 10:00 AM.)

And speaking of my sweet Jackson... if you think of it, would you send up a prayer for him? Over Christmas break he developed a facial tic. It's oftentimes barely noticeable, but sometimes rather alarming. We took Jackson to the doctor this week, and they gave him a neurological exam. The doctor found no medical reason for the tics (thank God!), so the doctor thinks that they are stress induced. If Jackson's recent prayers are any indication - "God please don't let our house catch on fire, and please don't let any anyone die while I'm sleeping" - our five-year-old has a lot of worries on his mind. Please pray that God blesses Jackson with peace, and gives Dave and I the wisdom we need to walk through this trial with our precious firstborn.

We love our sweet, spunky son so much and we want him to live life secure, knowing that God has a special plan for him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pancakes :) As always am praying for my wonderful Grandson. I pray for peace and a worry free young mind. I pray for his Christ serving parents who want to lead him in the best ways possible. Keep up the good work...hey you're doing great with Haley too :) blessings and love Mom