Friday, November 21, 2008


Yesterday, Jackson's preschool class took a field trip to the bowling alley. Dave and I were both there to cheer him on. He was so excited that he was the only kid in the class to have his mom and his dad there! He had a blast, and ended up with a score of 54.  A girl in his class got a score of 21... I didn't know that was possible when you had bumpers in the gutters! The "machine" tracked the speed of each ball thrown. The highest I saw was 5.4 mph, and the lowest I saw was .8 mph. Some kids didn't get the ball to the pins certain times... it was cute!

Jackson is VERY competitive, so I was proud to see him high-fiving everyone and cheering on his friends. His teacher was impressed that he knew all about gutters, strikes, spares, and splits... all thanks to Wii bowling.  I guess Dave can now argue that the Wii is an educational tool.

I'm enjoying this time when Jackson thinks I'm the greatest woman on earth! He doesn't think twice about giving me hugs and kisses in front of his friends, but I know these days won't less forever. Something tells me he won't be begging me to chaperone his Senior Prom. A mom can hope though, right?

Jackson and his favorite bowling buddy...
Notice the split...
Good form...


Anonymous said...

Ha! What a riot! Jackson is too cute. :)

Looking forward to seeing you guys tonight!

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

So cute! Looks like Jackson if following in his daddy's footsteps with his bowling skills! Love reading about your precious fam and looking forward to seeing you guys soon!