Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our little man: A Jackson Update

In a lot of ways, Jackson is the same as he's always been - talkative, lively, bright, funny, bold, strong-willed, sweet.  He has quite the social calendar - preschool, KICK (a Wednesday night program at church), Jesus Jewels (kids' choir), Promiseland, Parent's Night Out. He said a welcome at his preschool program on Monday, and he is going to be a wise man on Sunday at church. 

These are sweet, good days! Days when Jackson's face lights up when he spots me and Dave while he's up on stage. Days when he gives me hugs, kisses, "I love yous", high fives, and knuckles (in that order) every time I drop him off at preschool. Days when he wants every single toy he sees for Christmas - but still says that baby Jesus in the manger is the best gift of all. Days when little things like picking something out at the dollar store is cause for major excitement! These are the days of bedtime prayers, cuddling up on the couch to watch a movie, playing play-dough, and dancing around the living room to music. 

My prayer for Jackson is that he never loses his love for life, or his joy in learning. That he never stops praying, and always lives his life for God. That he finds success in whatever God has chosen for him to do. I pray that the hardships of life don't steal away his faith or hope, and the joys of life are cause  not only for celebration, but also for thanksgiving. 

My prayer for me is that I can enjoy the journey, knowing that these days hold priceless memories and will pass too soon. My hope is that each season of life is better than the last.

1 comment:

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

I LOVE THIS POST! This is so beautifully said and captures a mother's heart so well. Jackson is adorable! These days are going by too quickly!