Thursday, January 8, 2009

Legos.. one of life's simple pleasures

Although I normally don't make New Year's resolutions, I have decided that this year I am going to make an effort to find joy in the simple, ordinary, every day moments of life. That happened tonight. Dave and Jackson put their first Lego kit together. (Thanks Mom!) It was so sweet to hear Dave encouraging and praising Jackson, and watching our little guy beaming with pride. They both had their heads bent down, carefully following each instruction, making sure everything was put together perfectly. I was proud of Dave for being so patient with Jackson.... he's such a great dad! Though tonight was very ordinary, something tells me that Jackson is going to remember this night for a long time... and so will I! 


tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

So cute! Dave is such a good Daddy!

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

PS. I love your New Years resolution!