Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Great Smoky Mountains

We had an incredible time on our vacation to the Smoky Mountains with my family. It was one of those weeks in life that we will always remember. Shopping at the outlets, hiking, sightseeing, dinners out, visiting the aquarium... it all added up to a packed week of fun! Highlights for Jackson were fishing (he caught his first fish!), go-carts, hot-tubbing, sleeping in a bunk bed, playing "little computer" with Grandpa (especially Connect Four), and playing games and Wii with everyone. He loved seeing all the deer at Cades Cove. Haley enjoyed scenic walks in the stroller, exploring the beautiful cabin we stayed in, rocking on a little rocking chair... just her size, and just getting so much attention from everyone. She loved all the fish at the aquarium, and kept saying "fishy!"

The kids did awesome... I'm so proud of them! We drove through the night, but 12 hours in the car is still a long time. 

Though the activities and adventures of the week were fun, the best part of the week was sharing it with those we love. I was reminded again how blessed we are to be a part of two such  loving families. The unique and special qualities in everyone shone through...
-Dave, my best friend. He makes everything better just by being there!
-My dad, with his insights and words of wisdom. 
-My mom, with a servant's heart that is unmatched. She was born to be a grandma!
-Jackson, whose enthusiasm and zest for life are contagious!
-Haley, my sweet girl who makes me feel that if she could choose to have any mom in the world, she would choose me.
-Sara. my sister and friend. Her prayers, support and kind words are priceless.
-Chris, an answer to a thousand prayers. He's going to be a great dad someday! (No, no big announcements yet!)
-We missed Julie, and the laughter and sparkle that she brings to our family. 

We hope this is the first of many trips to the beautiful Smoky Mountains. We return with countless memories... and lots of stuff to put away. Better get to it. 


Andy and Michele said...

Great pics. The fishing one is priceless!

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Love the pictures! It looks like you guys had a great time! Yay for creating family memories!
Hope to see you guys soon!