Monday, June 22, 2009

Summertime Fun

The long days of summer are going way too fast! We have enjoyed spending time running through the sprinkler, going on bike rides, and swimming. We have been visiting many local parks, trying to decide which one has the best playground. By the time bedtime roles around, are kids are EXHAUSTED!

Tonight we met our friends Brooke and Tim at a park in Zeeland for a pizza dinner. They are such great friends, and a family that exudes their love for each other. They have a daughter Teagan who is just a few weeks older than Haley. It's so fun watching the two of  them together - each of them displaying their own special personality.

The girls and their dads... (we have a picture of this foursome from this time last year. It's hard to believe how much they have changed... the girls, not the daddies!)

The two beauties...

And of course, Jackson had to get in on some of the action...
We are so thankful for all of our friends! They have a way of making life that much sweeter!

1 comment:

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Awww! Thanks for the sweet words! We cherish our friendshp with you guys and love that our kids can grow up together!! What beautiful pictures!