Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sweet Dreams....

I have a new "favorite thing".... it's watching my kids sleep at night. It's a simple act, but it seems to serve as both a medication and a motivator for me. As I stand there and look at their precious, peaceful faces, somehow all memories of meltdowns and mayhem, tantrums and timeouts seem to disappear, and all that remains is a fierce love and humble gratitude to God. 

So if you are a mom (or dad) and you need an extra dose of God's goodness, sneak into your little one's bedroom tonight and marvel at your little masterpiece! It's a good opportunity to say an extra prayer for them too.


Anonymous said...

Sleeping Beauties, so precious. I am so thankful to be their aunt.

Ju Ju

Anonymous said...

So sweet! :)

I love you all!

Anonymous said...

They both look so grown up! Please slow down little ones! Love you bunches, Grandma Z