Saturday, July 25, 2009

A lesson in the towels

Recently, Dave and I decided it was time for Jackson to have some more responsibility around the house, so we have come up with a few little chores for him to do to help us out. One of the tasks I just added to the list was for him to hang up his towels after his showers.

So Jackson enjoyed a nice, long shower... belting out praise tunes like he always does. The water shut off, and he didn't come out for several minutes. Finally, out came my sweet-smelling, wet-haired little guy with a huge smile on his face. He couldn't wait to show me what a good job he had done hanging up the towels.

I stepped into the bathroom, and this is what I saw.

My hands wanted to grab that towel and hang it correctly, but it's a good thing my heart got the final say! This was Jackson's best (he isn't quite tall enough to drape the towel), and I want him to know that his best is good enough for me. I gave Jackson a big hug, and told him what a great job he had done.

There will come a day when towels will hang perfectly in my bathrooms, but that day isn't today. So if you come to our house, don't be surprised to find towels hung "Jackson style"... and don't forget to tell Jackson what a great job he did helping mom and dad keep the bathrooms looking great.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Katie, that is so sweet! I can totally relate to that. My big struggle is when Ella is so proud of doing her own hair, lol. Awesome blog, by the way! I didn't even know you had it!