Monday, August 31, 2009

Not Me Monday!: Take One

One of my favorite blogs to read is (recently changed from Mckmama is raising four kids, and living to blog about it.
She is also the creator of Not Me Mondays! Every Monday she writes about all the things she "didn't" (wink, wink) do that week. She shares her shortcomings and short-cuts and all those not-so-perfect moments.... under the ruse that she would never do any of those things. It's fun, it's refreshing, it's free therapy.

I guess I'll give it a try. Here goes...

I most certainly did not let Little Man (A.K.A. Jackson) eat a Sunday dinner comprised only of Apple Cinnamon muffins and applesauce. Not me! Where's the nutritional value in that? I am a mom who knows the value of a well balanced diet, and I make sure that every meal is a healthy one.

I didn't scold my hubby for attempting to videotape me and the kids before my make-up and hair were done. No way am I that shallow. I teach my kids that it's what on the inside that counts.

I'm not shallow, but I certainly always look presentable. That's why I didn't go the park this week in sweatpants and flip-flops. No way would I ever be seen as a potential candidate for "What Not to Wear." If Stacy and Clinton have told me once they have told me a thousand times, sweatpants are for the gym, and flip-flops are for the beach... PERIOD.

I didn't let geese and ducks swarm my kids just because I found it so amusing. I mean, that would be cruel and dangerous. Those birds can get nasty! The little ones on this video certainly aren't my children. No way!

Wow, that's wasn't so bad. In fact, it actually felt kind of good! If you ever felt like you were the only one with those "not me" moments, think again! In fact, my guess is that we could all think of something. Feel free to share... if you are feeling brave, that is.

I have a good feeling that "Not Me Monday!" will be making a return visit in the next few weeks. I can't wait to see all the stuff I won't do in the days ahead.

1 comment:

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Haha! Love it! I most certaintly did NOT let Teagan stuff her face with pizza and french fries...while STANDING UP in booth at a restaurant while out to eat earlier this week. I never give in to ordering fatty, fried food and letting a tired, fussy child display poor table manners like this!