Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Moving up!

This year Jackson will be attending 4-year-old preschool two mornings a week at Jenison Christian. We attended "Back to School Night" this evening, and of course Jackson was his happy, out-going self. It looks like he already has some new best buddies. His teacher, Mrs. Snider, is so sweet, and Jackson informed me that he is happy to have a pretty teacher. (Do you see why I'm scared for the teenage years?) The classroom was really cool and featured a train table, a sand table, an art area, a slide, computers, and a great playground just outside the door. I know he going to have a wonderful year, and I can't wait to go on all the field trips.

I'm not too sentimental or emotional about him starting school this year. We've done this before, and I feel like I'm a pro at being a preschool mom. Things will change next year. When the doors on the bus close behind Jackson for the first time, the tears are going to flow! I'm already trying to figure out how I can follow the bus to school and Jackson to his classroom without being seen. =)


Anonymous said...

If I had figured out how to follow the bus I would have done it too! I am willing to take are of Haley during any field trips...I have kids Mon_Fri til January so I will be home :) Love you Mom PS might need a carseat :)

Steve and Allison Alles said...

How precious!