Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A love dare

Guess what my husband did for me the other night? He took both kids to Meijer's with him so I could stay home and relax. Then they came home and made me a huge pot of my favorite soup... Hodge Podge. I was thrilled!

I'll tell you why this is a true act of love by my hubby. He dislikes Hodge Podge as much as I love it. He doesn't like the look of it, the smell of it, and he most certainly doesn't like the taste of it. This was a labor of love.

So now I have several servings of my favorite soup just waiting for me in the fridge. And every time I eat a bowl of it, I am going to thank God for my wonderful husband.

Do something totally selfless for someone you love today. I dare you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful Husband!!!! I might dislike the soup just as much as Dave.
