Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dear Jackson...

Today I joined you on your class field trip to Moelker's Orchard. What fun we had! I loved watching you absorb all the information about the various fruit tress. I loved watching you carefully decide which apple you wanted to pick from the tree. I loved eating donut holes with you, playing apple games, and walking hand-in-hand.

Today God gave me a special gift. He allowed me a glimpse of your faith in action. One of your classmates shared that her grandma had recently died. Soon after that, you went right up to her and told her how wonderful Heaven is. You told her the her grandma is doing all the things she loves, and none of the things she is scared of. You brought a smile to her face... and a smile to my heart.

May your faith grow to be like that of Daniel, or Paul, or Peter. May your love for God be like David's. And may you always stand on the truths and promises of God, even if you are the only one standing. God has big plans for you Buddy, and I hope that he always gives me a front row seat!

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