Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My hope for these four walls

Tonight, Dave put up a new phrase above our living room window.

I view those wall words as a prayer. No one will leave my home thinking it was the biggest house they've been to... or the most beautifully decorated... or the cleanest. But I do hope they leave feeling blessed.

I hope the walls of our home always house love, laughter, forgiveness, and fun... along with the clutter and occasional dust bunny.

Judy, a family friend, made me these wall words. She is so talented. She is one of those crafty people that seems to be able to do everything (she even made my wedding flowers seven years ago). Anyway, if you would like to have Judy make something for you (she can make any word or phrase in almost any font), let me know and I can send you her contact information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I always leave your beautiful home feeling blessed! All of you are truly wonderful and precious to me!=)

By the way, the wall words look great on the wall!

Love you, Sara