Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The two sides of Haley

My dad recently took two pictures of Haley that I really love. I love them because they each completely reflect one part of Haley's personality.

Here is my serious Haley. Haley often views the world from serious, skeptical, studious eyes. It takes her awhile to warm up to new people and situations.
Here is my sweet, silly girl. Haley has the best laugh! She loves to sing and dance, and just about everything her brother does cracks her up... except when he's making her mad! She loves to be tickled, and she thinks it's great fun to run into mommy and daddy's arms. She enjoys swinging, taking walks, puzzles, and coloring.
Whether serious or silly, Haley is our precious girl, our dear one, the answer to a thousand prayers! We can't imagine our life - or family - without her.

1 comment:

Kate said...

So cute Katie! Where'd you guys take these photos? Is that Ella's old dress? I miss that dress!