Sunday, October 25, 2009

Meet Nana and Little Jackson...

.... the two newest members of the Zuidema Clan.

Last night we met Grandpa and Grandma Z. at the mall. We did a little shopping, had a little treat, and rode the carousal. And then we ended up at Build-a-Bear.

We looked at all the cute animals and outfits, and all the while, I knew the question was coming. I was right.

“Can we make one,” Jackson pleaded.

“Not tonight,” I replied.

Jackson was left with only one option. When mommy and daddy say no, there’s only one place to turn.... Grandpa and Grandma! Needless to say we walked out of the store with two furry friends, nestled safely in their cardboard carriers.

Jackson chose a red, white, and blue bear that he named “Little Jackson.” (Our Jackson now wants to be called Medium-Sized Jackson.) Jackson has really taken to his new role as Daddy. Little Jackson eats when he eats, plays when he plays, and sleeps when he sleeps. So cute!

Haley fell in love with a cute monkey that she I named Nana (as in Banana - cute huh?). The first time Haley got her hands on that monkey, she gave her a hug and popped her thumb in her mouth... talk about love at first sight!

We are so thankful that our kids have two sets of fun-loving, special grandparents. We don’t know what we would do without them... except have less toys!

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma for the fun night... we love you!

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