Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Well, I've taken a few weeks off from Not Me Monday posting... I don 't think my ego could take it if I posted every week. But I'm ready to tell all today.... well all the stuff I "haven't" been doing of course.

When we went to the mall this morning, I most certainly did not bribe my son with a trip to the Dollar Store if he was good while we were shopping. I teach my children to be good because it's the right thing to do, not so they will get a reward.

When we rented the Wii version of the Price is Right this weekend, I didn't waste several hours of my precious time playing that silly game with my hubby and kids. I mean I could have been cleaning, exercising, volunteering, something more productive. And I definitely did not play "The Clock Game" about 25 times in a row just because I had to prove that I could win that silly (and difficult) game. No way, not me!

Finally, I of course did not find pretzels, popcorn, and other crumbs under my couch when we moved it recently... that's just gross. First of all, we only eat at the table in our household, and I certainly vacuum under all the furniture during my weekly vacuum routine.

So there you have it! What have you not been doing recently?


Gretchen said...

Those are all the things I do NOT do too! Who knew!

Anonymous said...

Price is Right huh? Reminds me of our obsessive and rather dramatic playing of that game at Grandma and Grandpa's! :) Good times.....