Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Big Boy

This morning, when Haley was having a fit, Jackson got down to her level, looked her in the eye, and very calmly said "Haley, it never helps to have a fit. In fact, mommy doesn't give you what you want when you scream for it." And guess what? She stopped crying.

It hit me again... I have a big boy.

It hit me a couple of weeks ago too. I told Jackson that it was so cool that he got to be Jesus' daddy Joseph in the Christmas program at school. He reminded me that Joseph was Jesus' earthly daddy, and God is his Heavenly Father.

I'm a little sad that my little guy is growing up. He is going to be 5 in March... CRAZY! Soon he will be riding the bus, learning to read, spending a good chunk of his day away from me. And recently, the zipper on his very last pair of footed PJs broke, so those days are over too.

The good news is, Jackson still has a lot of "littleness" left inside him. He still sleeps with a night light. He still plays with Little People in the shower. He still climbs in my lap for Cuddle Time every morning. I recently asked him what we were going to do when he was too big to climb in my lap. "That's easy," he said. "That's when I'll start holding you." Melt. My. Heart.

When the world looks at my beautiful boy, they only see this.

But when I and everyone else who has loved Jackson his whole life look at him, we still see a little of this.

And yes, it took a lot of work to get Jackson's hair to lay down back in the day. Eventually I quit trying.


Anonymous said...

Jackson has been listening and is so insightful to think to help Haley that way. You two are awesome parents! Love you bunches! Mom Z

Anonymous said...

Jackson and this post about him melts my heart! He is truly one special, precious, and insightful little boy who is loved by all!
Love, Sara