Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's show time!

Jackson has had a busy couple of days. On Sunday, he was a shepherd in the children's program at both morning services at church. And tonight, he played Joseph at his preschool Christmas program. And guess what? I don't have any crazy, funny, or embarrassing stories to write about... and I am thrilled about that. Because even though you might find it funny if Jackson threw hay, smelled baby Jesus' diaper, or hit one of the wise men, I - as his mommy - most certainly would not. It's funny how you can think something is so cute, as long as it's not your child that is doing it. I am proud to say Jackson did great. Phew!

I may not have stories to share, but I do have some cute photos. Enjoy these shots of our little performer.

And one picture of Jackson's biggest fan. She sat through his performance on Sunday and loved every second of it!

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Alles said...

Cute pictures! Haley's hair looks so pretty!