Thursday, December 17, 2009

We have a winner!

Last night we had dinner at church, along with hundreds of other people. As a special Christmas blessing, the Food Ministries Team gave away some prizes. There were six chairs in the huge gym with numbers underneath them... if you were on one of those chairs, you were a winner!

I bent down to look under my chair... no number. As an afterthought, I decided I better check under Jackson’s chair. It’s a good thing I did! There was a blue piece of tape on the bottom of his chair with the #1 written on it.

Jackson was beyond thrilled! He was ecstatic, elated, overjoyed! He threw his hands up in the air, and ran to the front to collect his prize - a big box of Christmas goodies. You would have thought he had won all of Toys R Us! Everyone there got a huge kick out of his reaction.

A little boy at the table next to us was crying because he didn’t win. Jackson made sure to share a goodie with him to make him feel better.

This morning when Jackson got up, the first thing he said to me was “I still can’t believe I picked the right chair.” =)

Today I am thanking God for those happy moments that make life so much sweeter!

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