Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Dreams I Dream for You

To my precious Jackson,

Last night you and I had a dinner date at Russ, just us two. Boy did we have a good time talking and laughing and sharing an oreo cookie shake. As I sat across from you in the booth, I was struck with two things.... how much I adore you and how fast you are growing up. I know that these days won't last forever and someday you will leave our home. I will probably have a lump in my throat but still have a smile on my face because I know you will be off to do great things. My heart is filled to the brim with hopes and dreams and words of wisdom for you. Do you want to hear some of them? Here goes.

My hope is that you stand for what's right, even if you have to stand alone. Don't worry too much about being one of the cool kids or part of the in-crowd. Choose to be around people that bring out the best in you, that bring joy into your life. Sure, it would be fun to be the most popular guy in your grade, or the smartest guy or the most athletic, but wouldn't it be best to be known as the kindest guy at school? That would really make me proud! If you stand by while someone is getting picked on, you are just as bad as the bully, but if you step in and do what's right, you will forever be known as a hero to someone. Learn to put yourself in someone else's shoes; have compassion. Popularity doesn't last past high-school, but your reputation can linger for a long time... make sure it's a good one!

I would be thrilled if you found a job that you love going to every day, but most people aren't that fortunate. You will more than likely look forward to 5:00 pm on Friday, but I hope that you don't dread 8:00 am on Monday. Find a job that you can feel proud about, one that uses your gifts. Don't be afraid of hard work. Your job isn't supposed to be easy; that's why they pay you! Don't become so focused on making a living, that you forget to make a life. Grandpa Pohler has said "No matter how rich you are, you still only have 24 hours in a day." Those are wise words. Your happiness won't be determined by whether you make a $40,000 salary or a $140,000 one. Most of the best things in life can't be purchased anyway.

When you select your wife, choose very, very carefully. Good looks and butterflies in your stomach don't last forever. Choose a woman that will increase your faith, build your confidence and make you want to be the best Jackson ever. Remember, this is the person that will tuck your children in at night. This is the person you will start and end each day next to. She will walk through life with you and be there through it all. Make sure to pray (a lot) before you propose. Make sure that she is the one God chose for you.  My hope is that on your wedding day, when Mrs. Jackson Zuidema takes over my role as the most important woman in your life, that it will be well with both of our souls. And don't forget to find a wife that will remind you to call your mama on Mother's Day!

Sweet one, there is nothing tougher on a mother's heart than to watch her children battle difficulties. Part of me would love to shelter you from all the sorrows and struggles of this world, but then you would never have the chance to grow. Disappointments and challenges will come... face them with courage. Don't just survive the tough times, thrive in them. Don't ever forget that this world is not your home, and the hardships you face on this earth can not compare to the glory God has planned for you in Heaven. Run a good race, finish strong and claim the prize waiting for you! My hope for you is that when you stand before your Lord, he smiles at you and says "well done, my good and faithful servant."

You are my precious firstborn, my one and only son. I could go on and on about all the dreams I have for you, but my dreams cannot compare to the dreams that God dreams for you. He has BIG plans for you J.J.... live worthy of His calling. I will sum up my heart's desire with this... believe that GOD'S WAYS ARE THE BEST WAYS and live that way.

And don't ever forget that your mama loves you and is proud of you, not only for what you have done, but for who you are!!

Love and prayers,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kate, you made me cry with these sweet and o so true words! Love you, sara