Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ten Reasons Why I Know I Hit the Husband Jackpot

Let me tell you what I love about my husband.

1.)  He is present
Dave makes sure the kids and I know that we are his priority. He values family time. Despite long, stressful days at work, when he comes home, he is checked in. He attends all the kids' games and activities and even signs up for some of the extras. like being Jackson's soccer coach and helping out in Haley's class at church. He doesn't just watch the kids play, he plays with them.

2.) He is a man of integrity
Dave does the right thing, even when it's hard. He is the one I go to for good, godly advice. He is great at teaching and training the kids.

3.) He values prayer
Dave prays with us and for us. He asks God for wisdom when making decisions.

4.) He cooks
Dave has some major skills in the kitchen and he loves trying new recipes. He is known for the delicious prime rib dinner he makes every Christmas Eve.

5.) He's fun
Dave cracks me and the kiddos up! He doesn't take himself too seriously. He's always ready for a new adventure and a good time. Even work can be enjoyable when Dave is around.

6.) He's handsome
C'mon.... don't you just love those dimples?! After 10 years of marriage, I haven't grown tired of looking at my hubby!

7.) He's a hard worker
Dave is a great employee. He doesn't take the easy way out. He does everything to the best of his ability and provides so well for our family.

8.) He is commited
Dave and I are both in this marriage until death do us part. He is devoted to me and the kids.

9.) He is thoughtful
Dave brings me candy home from the store and sends me flowers to work. He always finds the perfect card. He tells me often how much he appreciates me and the things I do for our family. Dave knows the value of a "little thing"... a kind word or a sweet gesure. He apologizes when it's needed and forgives quickly.

10.) He is affectionate
Dave always seems to know when I need a kiss, hug, back rub or his hand in mine.

Yes, I am blessed indeed. I won the marriage lottery, and that prize is way better than money!

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