Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fruit and Veggies, Please!

They say you are what you eat. And if that's true, it's no wonder that Haley was the only one in our family to avoid the flu bug last week. She certainly is a healthy eater... choosing green beans over gummy bears, and strawberries over starbursts.

Remember this video? To this day, she still hasn't tried candy.

When we went to the 4th of July parade, Haley sat sweetly on the curb. While Jackson and the rest of the kids ran after the candy, Haley was content just to sit and watch all the action.

When it comes to eating, Haley goes for quality and quantity. Our little one can sure pack it in! Last night we were at a BBQ with friends, and Haley downed at least 7 pieces of watermelon. She gets it from her mommy. No one can put away a bag of Twizzlers like I can!

Yep, that's our girl. She's one of a kind, and we are so thankful she's ours!

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