- My DS (Of course)
- My Wii
- Family
- Computer
- Christmas
- food
- friends
- home
- pop
- water
- Jesus
- God
- Basketball
- Bible
- Cousin
- Sister
- Frogs
- Presents
- ants (meaning aunts)
- trees
- lights
- blankets
- me (love it!)
- clothes (spelled clowse)
- candy (a guy after my own heart)
Friday, August 10, 2012
This morning, I asked Jackson to write a list of 25 things that he is thankful for. Here is what he came up with:
Thursday, August 2, 2012
I have one son....
One daughter....
One niece...
And come December, I will have one nephew.
How altogether charming!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Ten Reasons Why I Know I Hit the Husband Jackpot
Let me tell you what I love about my husband.
1.) He is present
Dave makes sure the kids and I know that we are his priority. He values family time. Despite long, stressful days at work, when he comes home, he is checked in. He attends all the kids' games and activities and even signs up for some of the extras. like being Jackson's soccer coach and helping out in Haley's class at church. He doesn't just watch the kids play, he plays with them.
2.) He is a man of integrity
Dave does the right thing, even when it's hard. He is the one I go to for good, godly advice. He is great at teaching and training the kids.
3.) He values prayer
Dave prays with us and for us. He asks God for wisdom when making decisions.
4.) He cooks
Dave has some major skills in the kitchen and he loves trying new recipes. He is known for the delicious prime rib dinner he makes every Christmas Eve.
5.) He's fun
Dave cracks me and the kiddos up! He doesn't take himself too seriously. He's always ready for a new adventure and a good time. Even work can be enjoyable when Dave is around.
6.) He's handsome
C'mon.... don't you just love those dimples?! After 10 years of marriage, I haven't grown tired of looking at my hubby!
7.) He's a hard worker
Dave is a great employee. He doesn't take the easy way out. He does everything to the best of his ability and provides so well for our family.
8.) He is commited
Dave and I are both in this marriage until death do us part. He is devoted to me and the kids.
9.) He is thoughtful
Dave brings me candy home from the store and sends me flowers to work. He always finds the perfect card. He tells me often how much he appreciates me and the things I do for our family. Dave knows the value of a "little thing"... a kind word or a sweet gesure. He apologizes when it's needed and forgives quickly.
10.) He is affectionate
Dave always seems to know when I need a kiss, hug, back rub or his hand in mine.
Yes, I am blessed indeed. I won the marriage lottery, and that prize is way better than money!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Dreams I Dream for You
To my precious Jackson,
Last night you and I had a dinner date at Russ, just us two. Boy did we have a good time talking and laughing and sharing an oreo cookie shake. As I sat across from you in the booth, I was struck with two things.... how much I adore you and how fast you are growing up. I know that these days won't last forever and someday you will leave our home. I will probably have a lump in my throat but still have a smile on my face because I know you will be off to do great things. My heart is filled to the brim with hopes and dreams and words of wisdom for you. Do you want to hear some of them? Here goes.
My hope is that you stand for what's right, even if you have to stand alone. Don't worry too much about being one of the cool kids or part of the in-crowd. Choose to be around people that bring out the best in you, that bring joy into your life. Sure, it would be fun to be the most popular guy in your grade, or the smartest guy or the most athletic, but wouldn't it be best to be known as the kindest guy at school? That would really make me proud! If you stand by while someone is getting picked on, you are just as bad as the bully, but if you step in and do what's right, you will forever be known as a hero to someone. Learn to put yourself in someone else's shoes; have compassion. Popularity doesn't last past high-school, but your reputation can linger for a long time... make sure it's a good one!
I would be thrilled if you found a job that you love going to every day, but most people aren't that fortunate. You will more than likely look forward to 5:00 pm on Friday, but I hope that you don't dread 8:00 am on Monday. Find a job that you can feel proud about, one that uses your gifts. Don't be afraid of hard work. Your job isn't supposed to be easy; that's why they pay you! Don't become so focused on making a living, that you forget to make a life. Grandpa Pohler has said "No matter how rich you are, you still only have 24 hours in a day." Those are wise words. Your happiness won't be determined by whether you make a $40,000 salary or a $140,000 one. Most of the best things in life can't be purchased anyway.
When you select your wife, choose very, very carefully. Good looks and butterflies in your stomach don't last forever. Choose a woman that will increase your faith, build your confidence and make you want to be the best Jackson ever. Remember, this is the person that will tuck your children in at night. This is the person you will start and end each day next to. She will walk through life with you and be there through it all. Make sure to pray (a lot) before you propose. Make sure that she is the one God chose for you. My hope is that on your wedding day, when Mrs. Jackson Zuidema takes over my role as the most important woman in your life, that it will be well with both of our souls. And don't forget to find a wife that will remind you to call your mama on Mother's Day!
Sweet one, there is nothing tougher on a mother's heart than to watch her children battle difficulties. Part of me would love to shelter you from all the sorrows and struggles of this world, but then you would never have the chance to grow. Disappointments and challenges will come... face them with courage. Don't just survive the tough times, thrive in them. Don't ever forget that this world is not your home, and the hardships you face on this earth can not compare to the glory God has planned for you in Heaven. Run a good race, finish strong and claim the prize waiting for you! My hope for you is that when you stand before your Lord, he smiles at you and says "well done, my good and faithful servant."
You are my precious firstborn, my one and only son. I could go on and on about all the dreams I have for you, but my dreams cannot compare to the dreams that God dreams for you. He has BIG plans for you J.J.... live worthy of His calling. I will sum up my heart's desire with this... believe that GOD'S WAYS ARE THE BEST WAYS and live that way.
And don't ever forget that your mama loves you and is proud of you, not only for what you have done, but for who you are!!
Love and prayers,
Friday, July 6, 2012
I Can't Imagine Me Without You
Ten years ago today I stood in front of a church and said "I do." It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Oh what a wild and wonderful decade it has been! We laughed. We cried. We struggled. We triumphed. We grew. We changed. We fought. We made up. We moved. We parented. We traveled. We succeeded. We failed. We talked. We prayed. We trusted. We worried.
And through it all, we stuck together.
I found him who my soul loves, and this love will last a lifetime. Here's to many more decades together!
Oh what a wild and wonderful decade it has been! We laughed. We cried. We struggled. We triumphed. We grew. We changed. We fought. We made up. We moved. We parented. We traveled. We succeeded. We failed. We talked. We prayed. We trusted. We worried.
And through it all, we stuck together.
I found him who my soul loves, and this love will last a lifetime. Here's to many more decades together!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Yes, we are alive!
It's been so long since I've blogged, I'm almost embarrassed to post! I guess I'll just dive right in with a slew of updates to get me back on track.
Back in March, we celebrated Jackson's 7th birthday. We had a fun (and chaotic) party at a local gymnastics place with all the boys in Jackson's grade. (On a side note, there are 10 boys in Jackson's grade and around 30 girls. When 8th grade rolls around, that is a pretty scary thought!) We had a blast!
Our first born is confident, bold, funny and a monstrous blessing! He will start 2nd grade in the fall (how can that be?). He loves to read, is brilliant at math and is less than pleased that I am making him write in a journal several times a week this summer. He is learning to ride his new rip stick, hasn't lost his passion for the Wii and loves all things sweet. He is so excited that his daddy and grandpa will be coaching his soccer team in the fall. He is getting more mature right before my eyes, but my little guy is still in there too... just this week he marched up to me and said "mommy, feel my muscles." He puffed up his chest and had no idea that what I was feeling were his ribs.
At the end of April, Dave and I took an amazing trip to Riviera Maya with three other couples! We were celebrating (early) our ten year anniversary. It was incredible... great company, delicious food, a gorgeous setting and pure relaxation. What could be better? We enjoyed a fun excursion which involved zip-lining, exploring and canoeing in caves, and riding ATVs. We brought back loads of great memories which involve Jenga, a naughty monkey, Superman and a fire-dancer. (Sorry, this post is too long to go into more details!)
Our Haley girl recently "graduated" from her three-year-old preschool. Of course our little "rule-follower" thrived at school! Haley just learned how to ride a two-wheel bike. She is our cautious one and will hit the brakes if there is any sort of obstacle in her path.... even if it is still 100 feet away. Haley's hobbies include swinging, playing in the sand box, watching "Peppa Pig" and playing Guess Who. Unfortunately, one of her other hobbies is tattling on her brother or anyone else that dare wander from her straight path of what's right and fair. Still, she is the sweetest girl I know and every night before bed we hug each other, kiss each other and rub each other's back. She is a mama's girl through and through and I'm so glad she's ours!
I'd say that is enough for now. I promise I won't wait six months to write again!
Back in March, we celebrated Jackson's 7th birthday. We had a fun (and chaotic) party at a local gymnastics place with all the boys in Jackson's grade. (On a side note, there are 10 boys in Jackson's grade and around 30 girls. When 8th grade rolls around, that is a pretty scary thought!) We had a blast!
Our first born is confident, bold, funny and a monstrous blessing! He will start 2nd grade in the fall (how can that be?). He loves to read, is brilliant at math and is less than pleased that I am making him write in a journal several times a week this summer. He is learning to ride his new rip stick, hasn't lost his passion for the Wii and loves all things sweet. He is so excited that his daddy and grandpa will be coaching his soccer team in the fall. He is getting more mature right before my eyes, but my little guy is still in there too... just this week he marched up to me and said "mommy, feel my muscles." He puffed up his chest and had no idea that what I was feeling were his ribs.
I'd say that is enough for now. I promise I won't wait six months to write again!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Four and fabulous!
The baby in our family recently turned four... my how time flies! Haley is still just as sweet as can be, and we are so thankful to have her as one of us. She really is a gift like no other. Her songs fill our house with sweet sounds, her laughs are contagious and we think she is down right adorable!
Happy birthday to our littlest love!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Ready to Celebrate!
Don't these two look ready for Christmas! We've been counting down the days since December 1. I have a feeling that this is going to be our best Christmas ever! It's not just because Jackson and Haley are more into presents than ever before. It's also because they love and know Jesus more than ever before, and they are ready to celebrate His birthday!
The other day, Haley asked Jackson why we get presents if Christmas is Jesus' birthday. He paused and then very matter-of-factly replied "Because that is how much he loves us!" Good answer!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wise Words
I came across this poem today by Sharon Jaynes. I loved it and hope you do too!
Love, 1 Corinthians 13
If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator.
If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime: but do not show love to my
family, I'm just another cook.
family, I'm just another cook.
If I work at a soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home, and give all that I have to charity; but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.
If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir's cantata but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.
Love stops the cooking to hug the child.
Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the spouse.
Love is kind, though harried and tired.
Love does not envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table
Love does not yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way.
Love does not give only to those who are able to give in return; but rejoices in giving to those who cannot.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails.
Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust; but giving the gift of love will endure.
~ Sharon Jaynes
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Our little reader...
Jackson has become quite the reader lately... and Haley has too! Remember this? (Isn't that the cutest thing ever??) Well, Haley has moved on from "Brown Bear" and has now mastered "Polar Bear." Here she is showing off her (memorization) skills.
Is it me, or does she just keep getting cuter? :)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Brotherly, Sisterly LOVE
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tiny Turtles!
This past week we not only got to babysit for our sweet Lauryn, we also got to turtle sit for the week! It was so fun! Much better than dog or cat sitting... no mess to clean up, no noise, and very little work. Plus, I never knew that baby turtles were so cute! Today, our neighbors came home and we had to say goodbye to our new four-legged friends (which was especially tough on our firstborn). I think next spring I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for a baby turtle roaming around... we would be happy to give him a happy home until fall. I'm not quite ready to invest in a home aquarium tank for the house to keep the turtles happy (and alive!) through the winter. They aren't quite that cute!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Things We Do for our Kids
"C'mon mom, you try. It's easy. It feels cool."
Guess what? He was right!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I hope this is that last injury of the summer, but with all the hiking, biking, scootering, swimming, running and rough-housing we plan on doing this summer, there's probably more "oopsies" on the horizon. I'll just look at them as another reason to go out for ice cream! After all, mint chocolate chip makes everything feel better! :)
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