Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mother's pride, son's pride

I was so proud of Jackson on Sunday! While I was running around, frantically trying to get everyone ready for church, I saw him sitting at the dining room table going through all the money in his piggy bank. He sorted all the coins into two even piles. Right before we were ready to leave, he asked me for a sandwich bag, and he put half of his money inside it. I asked him what he was going to do with the money, and he told me he was going to give it to Alexis. She is a young girl from church with cancer, and the Children's Ministry is raising money for her medical bills. It's good to see Jackson displaying compassion and generosity.  (On a side note, I hid some coins in the couch this week for him to find... I had to replenish his piggy bank!)

Yesterday, I went with Jackson's preschool class on a field trip to Gymnastics Unlimited. It was so fun! At the end of the outing, they gathered all the kids around this big foam pit with a diving board about 10 feet above it. They wanted one mom to jump in while the class threw big pieces of foam at them. Immediately, Jackson started pleading with me to do it, and of course I couldn't say no. After my jump, Jackson's face was the first thing I saw... he had a look of pure joy. He was clapping and cheering louder than anyone. On the way home, he told me he was proud of me for being more brave than all the other moms. He informed me that they were all way too scared to jump. What a memory!

Here are a few pictures from the day... too bad there are none of me and my famous jump!

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