Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Drama or Chaos

I can’t wait for Tuesday night! That’s when I find out if I am going to have a niece or a nephew. I don’t care which one I get, I just can’t wait to know.

Sara and Chris have their ultrasound earlier in the day, and that evening Chris’s family and our family will meet over at my mom and dad’s house for dinner to hear the big news.

I so clearly remember the days when I found out the gender of my babies. Your vision for the future suddenly becomes that much clearer. You can buy clothes, decorate the nursery, and prepare for your house to be invaded by dolls and ponies or trucks and dinosaurs.

Boys and girls bring such different things into your life. My neighbor, who runs a daycare, describes it this way... “Boys are chaos, girls are drama.” I have one of each, and that sounds about right!

Sara and Chris, you will either get drama or chaos, but along with those things you will get a love you have never known before and a joy that really can’t be put into words... all wrapped up in a perfect little bundle

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