Thursday, August 26, 2010

Imperfectly Perfect

Dave and I are not the perfect parents.We don't always ensure that our kids eat the recommended daily dosage of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes we let the TV play babysitter while we get a moment of peace and quiet. We don't always read to our kids 30 minutes a day, and we used to skip pages of books just to get through them quicker (We can't get away with that anymore.). We've even been known to get frustrated a time or two (or 10!).

Our kids aren't perfect either. Sometimes they wear clothes with stains on them, and their hair is a mess. They fight and whine. They don't always pick up their toys or finish the food that's on their plate. They have even been known to have a tantrum or two (or 10!).

But here's the thing. Somehow, despite all our imperfections, we manage to fit together perfectly! We love each other and pray for each other. We help each other out and are there for each other in the good times and bad, through the successes and failures. We are a team! And I'd say that's pretty... perfect!


Anonymous said...

Love you guys!!!! And I think you all are pretty perfect....or at least close :)


Anonymous said...

You are a BEAUTIFUL family (inside and out!) and I love you too pieces!


Anonymous said...

LOVE this family picture! Thank you so much for sharing. You and your husband are a great example to us all.
